Dr. Arshad Ahmad

Colorectal Surgeon
Former Professor
Department of Surgery,
King George’s Medical University, Lucknow U.P. India
Former Vice President - Association of Colon and Rectal Surgeons of India


M.B.B.S. G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur.
M.S. (General Surgery) King George's Medical University Lucknow in May 2006.
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Course Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals, NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK in November 2008
Observership in A & E Accident and Emergency City Hospital, Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals, NHS Trust, Birmingham, UK.
Trained in Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty CalliMeyden Medical Center, Antalya,Turkey, October2010.
Trained in LIFT (Ligation of Intersphincteric Fistula Tract) Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, December 2011.
Training in Advanced GI Endoscopy Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, Hyderabad, 2011& 2013
FMAS Fellowship of Minimal Access Surgery
FICS(Colorectal Surgery) Fellowship of International College of Surgeons (USA)
FIAGES Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastro and Endo Surgeons
FLCS Fellowship of Lucknow College of Surgeons
BLS (AHA Certified) KGMU
Hands on training in Advanced GI Endoscopy JaswantRai Specialty Hospital, Meerut, July 2015.
Visited Faculty College of Surgeons, Singapore.
Visited Faculty University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Observership in Coloproctology St. Marks Hospital, London in June-July 2019


Book Written : Piles to Smiles
Book Chapters

Recent Advances in the Management of Hemorrhoids, Lectures by Masters of Surgery,Vol III

Recent Advances in theManagement of Fistula in ano Lectures by Masters of Surgery,Vol III

Rectal Prolapse in the book titled “Urogynaecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery”, Published by Jaypee.

Incontinence in the book titled “Urogynaecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery”, Published by Jaypee.

Contributed clinical photographs in “KGMU A Method of Clinical Surgery”, written by TC Goel and ApulGoel, published by Ahuja’s. 2016

My job is to help people recover from illnesses while employing not only traditional but also advance methods of treatment. Over the years, such approach proved to be the most functional.

Dr. Arshad Ahmad


Dr. Arshad Ahmad is expert in Anal and Colorectal Disease.

Why Dr. Arshad Ahmad?

Who I am ?

I am a Colorectal surgeon. I deal with disorders of the rectum, anus, and colon. I have been trained at the most advance centers for colorectal diseases in the world. I am also the Vice President of The Association of Colorectal Surgeons of India.

How I work for You ?

I am working in the field of Colo-proctology in Department of Surgery, KGMU, Lucknow. Our center is providing state of art care in anorectal diseases. We have facilities for most advance procedures for piles, fissure, fistula and Other anorectal diseases.

How to consult

You may visit my OPD at KGMU on Saturday or you can meet me in the Department of Surgery KGMU on other week days. Feel free to contact me.