S.No Topic Date Platform Online Link Poster
1 Tricks and Tips for management of Hemorrhoids 14 April 2020 on 5pm Zoom Meetings
2 Management of Hemorrhoids: tricks and errors 20 April 2020 on 6pm Health Education Academy & Ayurveda Proctology Association https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76288742344   
3 Fistula In Ano 22 April 2020 on 4pm-6pm The Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India(ACRSI https://mediknit.org/abbott/acrsi-analfistula
4 Management of Complex Anal Fistula 23rd Apl, 2020 On 8.00 PM Expert Live http://cdn.24fd.com/e20/04/alkem/23/index.html
5 Case Capsule in Proctology-
  1. 1- Mix of simple and complex Ano-rectal Case scenarios covered
  2. 2- Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, Fistula in Ano
02 May 2020 on 4pm-6pm Mumbai Colorectal Foundation Trust http://mediknit.org/serdialive/proctology
6 Case Capsule in Proctology-
  1. 1- Prolapse, Perineal Tear, Rectovaginal Fistula
  2. 2- Pilonidal Sinus, Obstructed Defecation Syndrome(ODS)
03 May 2020 Mumbai Colorectal Foundation Trust http://mediknit.org/serdialive/proctology
7 Beyond Piles, Fissure and Fistula with Case Presentation May 3 , 2020, on 08pm to 10pm Health Education Academy & Ayurveda Proctology Association https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1715884468907/WN_rUNUy0z5R
8 Theme- Benign Proctology "Sphincter Sparing Surgery for complex Anal Fistula." July 5 , 2020, on 04pm to 06pm The Association of Colon & Rectal Surgeons of India (ACRSI) https://www.mediknit.org/acrsi/benign proctology
9 Managing Complex Fistula 11th July 2020 from 06:00 pm to 08:00 pm Association of Surgeons of Lucknow (ASL) https://blueberry.webcastlive.co.in/ASL/
10 "Novel Surgical Techniques for Anorectal Disorders - When & How." 18 th July 2020 (Saturday) from 06.00pm to 08.00pm    https://webstream.streamcart.com/live/abbott18072020
11 Comprehensive path to Ano-rectal Disease 8 th August 2020 from 04.00pm to 05.30pm      
12 Invites you to a non medical live webinar session of a medical expert 30 th August 2020 from 11.00 AM    https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tUPx1ZP2G9g6kTT_M5JMSeOTWCDbaoYy/view?usp=sharing
13 Minimal invasive management of Anal Fistula 5th September 2020 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Forum of Minimal Access Surgeons of Lucknow http://www.digital-infomedia.com/sunpharma-fmasl/
14 Group Discussion 12th September 2020 from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm THE ASSOCIATION OF SURGEONS OF LUCKNOW https://jnjmeetings.zoom.us/j/94437106300?pwd=cmFZQlhJdWhnOVNBS3pHTHVBU0VQZz09&from=msft#success
15 Guest Lecture on Management of Fistula 19th September 2020, from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm    http://www.giacademia.com/
16 Basics of a Hemorrhoid Procedure & STARR Procedure 31th October 2020 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm      
17 Save The Sphincters - The Natural Desire 11th November 2020 , 5 PM onwards    https://my.demio.com/ref/LxgmeHvvsNamYp9W
18 Recent and Advanced Management of piles with Demonstration on latest technology 20th November 2020 from 6:00 pm onwards    https://jbcpl.zoom.us/j/89551567400?pwd=eW8rTGxVR1drSTlmU2h3Umt0MkU5QT09